Our Children and Families Ministry Strives to:
Share the love of Jesus with the next generation
Engage children and families together as they grow in knowledge and faith
Nurture disciples who love Jesus and can then nurture other disciples
Through exploring God’s Word, heartfelt discussions, and fun activities - we want kids and everyone to know:
God loves and cares for you each day
Jesus wants to be your friend, no matter what
The Holy Spirit can give you strength, direction, comfort, and peace
Children’s Church
Sundays during the regular 10:30 AM service (children are dismissed to Children’s Church before the sermon); no Children’s Church on special Sundays
High Schoolers
Most Sunday’s at 12 noon
Family Faith Formation (FFF) Online Gathering
1st Saturday of the Month (September - May), on Zoom 10:00 AM
Sunday School
9:15 AM most Sundays; no Sunday School on special Sundays
Want to know more about Children and Families Ministry, or visiting St. John with Children, please reach out to our Children & Families Discipleship Director, Fern Nerhood.