Worship in the context of Lutheranism is not a focus on what we do but primarily on what God does for us, and then secondly, our response in service to Almighty God in thanksgiving and praise.
Historically the time of gathering for worship was called the Divine Service (and in some churches this terminology is still used), which emphasizes the point that when we gather in worship as followers of Christ we are being served by God.
Within the context of the historic liturgy of the Church, there are times when God descends to meet us with His saving grace - these are Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, Holy Absolution (each of these elements of our gathered time together are considered as being sacraments of the Lutheran Church), and the reading of Holy Scripture.
When instituting the Divine Service, Luther was clear on the importance of retaining much of what had been practiced in the centuries before, while implementing key differences in the theology which accompanied some of these practices.
At the heart of Lutheran worship is a focus on Jesus Christ and His presence in Word and Sacrament. God gathers us for worship to serve us through the reading of his Word, the body and blood of his Son, and the forgiveness of sin through the absolution pronounced to all who repent.
This is a reflective service using the Lutheran Book of Worship.
This is an important time of meeting for prayer, liturgical worship, hymn singing, and bible teaching.
There are special Sundays throughout the year where there is no 8:00am service. Instead we gather at 9:15am for All-Together Worship to join with our brothers and sisters from the 10:30am Modern service. During these times our the service has a slightly different look as we may incorporate music and styles from both services. Please check Sunday @ St. John for what’s happening this week.
At this service we offer an opportunity to meet together in a more informal setting for worship, teaching, and a time to respond to God. The pattern of worship remains the same, however, the majority of sung worship has a more contemporary feel.
On special Sundays, we meet at 9:15am for All-Together Worship to join with our brothers and sisters from the 8:00am Traditional service. During these times our the service has a slightly different look as we may incorporate music and styles from both services. Please check Sunday @ St. John for what’s happening this week.